At Home with the Heitmans!

At Home with the Heitmans!
Our First Home!

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Heitmans!


  1. Sis...I love the blog! You are so strong and amazing. We are excited about keeping up with you and Justin. What a cute name for your blog. I am so proud of you and we love you VERY much! :)

    -Ashley and Matt

  2. Danielle,
    What a great site!! I guess you get your creative genious from your mother, and that is probably a good thing!! I think this is going to be a great thing for all of us who love you and Justin, and look forward to July when we are all together again doing what we do best -- playing "non-competitive" games!! LOL! Great job sweetie. Love you. Dad.

  3. Where is the pic of LtJG Heitman and his newfound hair styles??

  4. Hey the blog! You are so good at keeping us all up on what is going on with the two of you! I know how much you miss Justin but am glad you have such a wonderful group of friends there and a NEW job! Love you bunches.

  5. I ordered my boxes and they should be in soon. Is there anything that Justin is really wanting? Let us know and we will get something sent to him. I am so glad you are loving your job. Talk to you soon. Love you!

  6. I just watched the slideshow and I love all the pictures. It is so fun to look at those. You two are forming some wonderful memories!

  7. Danielle - love the blog, know it must be a lot of work, but we all appreciate it. Almost have my care package done - cliff bars, gum, beef jerky from Marion, popcorn seasoning, magazines, and hoping to snag some girl scout cookies whenever I can find some selling in front of Kroger. I agree would like to see Justin in his less hair/more hair mode. Glad the job is working out well - sounds like you have a lot of good support around you. Like you said - 4 weeks down!
