Well, we have survived the first four weeks of deployment! I can't say that time has flown by but I can say that I am getting into the hang of things here. Although I have managed to break the couch (it is no longer a recliner and, no, I did not do it intentionally!) and break the guest bedroom fan I have learned how to fix a running toilet, how to make it through a Nor'easter and how to survive a snow storm (see the first picture- me in front of my house braving the elements)! I am woman, hear me roar! Thanks to everyone for leaving comments on the posts, it is nice to know that someone is actually reading this! I also wanted to wish everyone a happy February and a happy Super Bowl weekend! I have been getting emails and calls asking what Justin would like in care packages. He would like some granola /Cliff bars (for long flights), cookies, magazines, Gatorade drink mix (the powdered stuff), gum, mints and anything else that you can think of! It is so nice that so many of you are thinking about him, we are eternally grateful!
The Mr.
Justin is doing well and has been completing lots of flights. The ship arrived at their destination a few days ago and he sent me a few pictures that were taken while they were on their way to OEF.
The above picture was taken during a flight. The photographer is a NFO in Justin's squadron and it was taken from the jet as they were flying by the carrier on one of their flights. You can see the Straits of Gibraltar in the background! I think it is pretty cool! The second picture (below) is one that Justin took on the deck of the ship. You can see the jets lined up and Africa is in the background! Now that they are where they should be, the missions are starting. Justin said that the new guys will be flying missions pretty quickly so please keep the prayers coming. I know he really appreciates it (and I do too!). He has gotten to see many different things and places on route to OEF and said that he is finally getting to experience, "Join the Navy, see the world". He is loving getting to see so many different places and already has plans on us taking a trip to Greece as soon as he gets back...I was thinking Mexico, but I won't complain about Greece!
Justin's spirits are high and he is staying very positive. He said that all six of the roommates are getting along great and making the most of carrier life. He also got the opportunity to meet the cast of Avatar! The director, James Cameron flew on the carrier for the day along with other members of the cast including Zoe Saldana and Sigourney Weaver. They played the movie in the hanger bay for the ships crew and then went around to meet the squadrons. Apparently Zoe was very intrigued with the squadron's mascot; the bones of Ens. Jack Ernie. For those of you that don't know the story, you can click the link to learn the story: http://www.f-14association.com/stories-04.htm. The squadron's tradition is that the newest pilot in the squadron is in charge of keeping 'ol Jack safe and babysitting him every night. This task is very involved since squadrons are always trying to steal him. I am glad to say though that as of six weeks ago, Justin was no longer the newest pilot and and I was no longer creeped out by the bones of our third roommate! Anyways, it is pretty cool that the cast went to visit! And that's the low-down on Justin.
The above picture was taken during a flight. The photographer is a NFO in Justin's squadron and it was taken from the jet as they were flying by the carrier on one of their flights. You can see the Straits of Gibraltar in the background! I think it is pretty cool! The second picture (below) is one that Justin took on the deck of the ship. You can see the jets lined up and Africa is in the background! Now that they are where they should be, the missions are starting. Justin said that the new guys will be flying missions pretty quickly so please keep the prayers coming. I know he really appreciates it (and I do too!). He has gotten to see many different things and places on route to OEF and said that he is finally getting to experience, "Join the Navy, see the world". He is loving getting to see so many different places and already has plans on us taking a trip to Greece as soon as he gets back...I was thinking Mexico, but I won't complain about Greece!
The Mrs.
Things have been going really well here in Virginia. My friend Lindsay (her husband, Scott was a groomsman) has been staying at our house since both of our husbands are gone.
The picture to the left is of Lindsay and I playing in the snow! It is so nice to have someone to eat dinner with and talk to every night and we are having a great time keeping ourselves busy! Lots of game nights and girl's nights! I just finished my first week of work and am really enjoying it. There has been lots of training and learning the insurance business but I have already been able to start revamping the marketing. I am currently working with a company on redesigning the logo and shortly will be redesigning the website. I definitely have enough to keep me busy while Justin is away! My bosses are extremely nice and ask about Justin all of the time. They are so funny; my phone was on vibrate when the CEO and CFO were in my office and it went off. They thought it was Justin and left my office so I could talk to him. It was Ashley. Haha! It is a great atmosphere and I think I am going to really enjoy my position there. Other than working, I have been keeping pretty busy with my social calendar. I am so thankful for all of my friends here to keep my mind off of Justin being away. I went to dinner on Sunday night with some wives from our squadron for Norfolk Restaurant Week and it was delicious!
Tuesday I had the girls over for dinner (chicken and spinach cannelloni) because it was my turn for our weekly dinner. Wednesday I went to a girl's night with some of my friends that live here in Norfolk and we had an awesome time. We went to a really cute french bistro and tried some really neat food. I went to a game night (see the picture to the right) and then hit up a cool New Orleans style bar in Norfolk on Friday night and then the snow hit early on Saturday morning. I was like a little girl on Christmas morning when the snow came! Thankfully I live in an area where I can walk everywhere so the "getting snowed in" wasn't so bad! I met some friends Saturday morning and we walked to Starbucks but it was closed. Naturally, we went next door to the Colley Cantina for some margaritas instead! Sunday we walked to Pasha for brunch and then I had some friends over for the Grammy's! I must say that it has been a fun and exhausting week! I am looking forward to another great week and being seven days closer to seeing my husband! Thanks again for all of your love and support!
God Bless!